Inverted microscope DMI6000 with confocal head Leica TCS SP5 AOBS Tandem is a confocal laser scanning microscope in which all filtering and beam-splitting functions are performed by acusto-optical components, which makes the system extremely flexible. The tandem scanner allows to switch between standard or very fast resonant scanner, which is useful especially for dynamic processes in live cells. For that reason, the microscope is enclosed in climate chamber for work at 37°C and regulated CO2 atmosphere. The system is equipped with both FRAP and FRET modules.
Methods | Confocal scanning fluorescence imaging Transmitted light imaging Brightfield and Nomarski contrast (DIC) (automated) Tile-scans & merge in LAS AF software Time-lapse experiments Multi-positions experiment Photo-kinetic experiment FRET (SE or Acceptor photobleaching) |
Illumination | 405 nm diode laser, 50 mW 458, 476, 488, 496, 514 nm argon ion laser, 100 mW 561 nm diode-pumped solid-state DPSS laser, 10 mW 633 nm He/Ne red laser, 10 mW HLX 100 W halogen lamp for transmitted light HXP 120W/45C VIS Hg lamp – Leica EL6000 for fluorescence |
Objectives | HCX PL APO 10x/0.40 DRY CS; FWD 2.2; CG 0.17 | BF, POL HC PL APO 20x/0.7 IMM CORR λBL; W/GLYC/OIL ; FWD 0.26; CG 0-0.17 | BF, POL, DIC HC PL APO 40x/1.30 OIL CS2; FWD 0.24; CG 0.17 | BF, POL, DIC HCX PL APO 63x/1.3 GLYC CORR 37°C; FWD 0.28; CG 0.14-0.18 | BF, POL HC PL APO 63x/1.40 OIL CS2; FWD 0.14; CG 0.17 | BF, POL, DIC |
Eyepiece filtercubes | A (Ex: 360/40; DM 400; Em: LP 425) I3 (Ex: 470/40; DM 510; Em: LP 515) N2.1 (Ex: 537/45; DM 580; Em: LP 590) Y5 (Ex: 620/60; DM 660; Em: 700/75) |
Detectors | 2x photomultiplier tube (PMT) 3x supersensitive hybrid detectors (HyD) 1x transmitted light detector |
Confocal head | acousto-optical tunable filter (AOTF) acousto-optical beam splitter (AOBS) standard scanner (10-1400 Hz line frequency) resonant scanner (8000 Hz line frequency) maximum scanner resolution 8192×8192 pixels hardware zoom 1x-64x |
Stage | motorized microscope stage with Super Z-galvo scanning insert for fast and precise Z movement |
Aditional equipment | incubation unit (CO2, temperature) antivibration table |
Software | LAS AF with FRET and FRAP modules |
Location | room no. 0.172 (Green) |
Phone | ext. 3172 |
Booking | Calpendo (“SP5”) |
Inverted microscope DMi8 with confocal head Leica TCS SP8 is a confocal laser scanning microscope with full transmitted light equipment including transmitted light PMT and differential interference contrast (DIC) available for all objectives. Leica TCS SP8 it is a mirror-based system, using iterference filters for light filtering and beam-splitting. The laser power is modulated by acusto-optical tunable filter (AOTF).
Methods | Confocal scanning fluorescence imaging Transmitted light imaging Brightfield and Nomarski contrast (DIC) (manual) Tile-scans & merge in LAS X software Time-lapse experiments Multi-positions experiment Photo-kinetic experiment FRET (SE or Acceptor photobleaching) |
Illumination | 405 nm diode laser, 50mW 488 nm solid-state laser, 20 mW 552 nm solid-state laser, 20 mW 638 nm solid-state laser, 30 mW HLX 100 W halogen lamp for transmitted light HXP 120W/45C VIS Hg lamp – Leica EL6000 with for fluorescence |
Objectives | HC PL FLUOTAR 10x/0.30 DRY; FWD 11.0 | BF, POL, DIC HC PL FLUOTAR 25x/0.75 OIL; FWD 0.15 | BF, POL HC PL APO 20x/0.75 IMM CORR CS2; FWD 0.66 | BF, POL HC PL APO 40x/1.30 OIL CS2; FWD 0.24; CG 0.17 | BF, POL, DIC HC PL APO 63x/1.40 OIL CS2; FWD 0.14; CG 0.17 | BF, POL, DIC |
Eyepiece filtercubes | DAPI (A) (Ex: 360/40, Em: LP 425) FITC (I3) (Ex: 470/40; DM 510; Em: LP 515) RHOD (N2.1) (Ex: 537/45; DM 580; Em: LP 590) Cy5 (Y5) (Ex: 620/60; DM 660; Em: 700/75) CFP (Ex: 436/20; DM 455; Em: 480/40) |
Detectors | 3x photomultiplier tube (PMT) 2x supersensitive hybrid detectors (HyD) 1x transmitted light detector |
Confocal head | acousto-optical tunable filter (AOTF) low incident angle dichroic beam splitters standard scanner (1-1800 Hz line frequency) maximum scanner resolution 8192×8192 pixels hardware zoom 0.75x-48x |
Dichroic mirrors | 488/552/638 nm tripple excitation dichroic 488/552 nm dual excitation dichroic Substrate RT 15/85 |
Stage | motorized microscope stage with Super Z-galvo scanning insert for fast and precise Z movement |
Aditional equipment | antivibration table |
Software | LAS X |
Location | room no. 0.172 (Green) |
Phone | ext. 3172 |
Booking | Calpendo (“SP8” ) |
Fully motorized inverted microscope DMi8 with confocal head Leica STELLARIS 8 equipped with wide-range while light laser with pulse picker (WLL PP) and highly sensitive time-resolved detection allows a variety of precise acquisition from standard confocal through very fast live cell acquisition up to large object imaging. The system is equipped with several acquisition modules for proceeding photo-kinetic experiments, FLIM or FLIM-FRET based experiments to the high resolution imaging followed with unique adaptive deconvolution module. The combination of AOBS and spectral sliders on detector cascade allows the fine tuning in selection of an excitation laser line and precise definition of emission spectra. For long-term live cell experiments are secured with hardware autofocus system (AFC). The system is equipped with incubation secures e.g. 37 °C and CO2 controlled chamber.
Methods | Confocal scanning fluorescence imaging with Lightning superresolution module Transmitted light imaging Brightfield and Nomarski contrast (DIC) (automated) Tile-scans & merge in LAS X software Time-lapse experiments Multi-positions experiments Photo-kinetic experiments FRET (SE or Acceptor photobleaching) FLIM, FRET-FLIM experiments |
Illumination | 405 nm cw diode laser, AOTF modulated, 100mW 440 – 790 nm Pulsed white light laser with pulse picker (WLL PP):
12V 100W LED source for transmitted light |
Objectives | HC PL FLUOTAR 10x/0.30 DRY CS2; FWD 11.0 mm | BF, POL, DIC HC PL APO 20x/0.75 IMM CORR CS2; FWD 0.67 mm | BF, POL HC PL APO 86x/1.20 W CS2; FWD 0.30 mm| BF, POL, DIC HC PL APO 63x/1.40 OIL CS2; FWD 0.14 MM| BF, POL, DIC |
Eyepiece filtercubes | DAPI (Ex: 355/56, DC: 400, Em: 460/50) GFP (Ex: 470/40; DC 495; Em: 525/50) RHOD (Ex: 546/10; DC 560; Em: 585/40) CFP/YFP (Ex: 435/25 + 500/20; DC 450 + 515; Em: 470/25 + 535/30) |
Detectors | 2x supersensitive silicon-based hybrid detectors (HyD-S) 2x supersensitive hybrid detectors (HyD-X) for very fast time-resolve acquisition (FLIM) 1x supersensitive hybrid detector (HyD-R) for long wavelengths (700 – 850 nm) 1x transmitted light TL – PMT detector |
Confocal head |
8-channels acousto-optical tunable filter (AOTF) for fast laser intensity modulation Conventional linear scanner (1-2600 Hz line frequency)
Resonant scanner (8000 Hz line frequency)
Time-resolve modules |
Tau-sense modules for time-resolved acquisition (time-resolved imaging without further analysis): TauGating, TauContrast, TauSeparation STELLARIS FALCON: FAST Lifetime CONtrast (FALCON) is solution for fast image acquisition, processing and FLIM analysis with modules:
Computational super-resolution module | Lightning – a super-resolution module based on mutual acquisition control and adaptive deconvolution based on SNR decision mask estimation. Maximal declared resolution is 120 nm laterally and 200 nm axially. |
Stage | motorized microscope stage with Super Z-galvo scanning insert for fast and precise Z movement |
Aditional equipment | antivibration table OKO-LAB incubation unit (CO2 + O2, temperature and humidity control system) |
Software | All features are fully implemented to the LAS X software Las X modules:
Location | room no. 0.172 (Green) |
Phone | ext. 3171 |
Booking | Calpendo (“Stellaris”) |
Dragonfly is a fully motorized multi-modal imaging platform with confocal and widefield modes. The heart of the microscope is the confocal spinning disk which in combination with high-speed sCMOS and high-sensitive EMCCD cameras provides the system with exceptional speed and sensitivity. The low phototoxicity and photobleaching is ideal for live or delicate specimens. Dragonfly is 10-20 times faster than a traditional laser scanning confocal, which makes it optimal for imaging of fast dynamic events in live cell or for high throughput experiments. Photomanipulation experiments can be performed with Mosaic, a tool that allows for simultaneous illumination of multiple regions of interest of flexible shape and size.
The semi-automated microinjector suited for adherent cells microinjection is also available.
Methods | Confocal spinning disk fluorescence imaging Transmitted light imaging Brightfield and Nomarski contrast (DIC) Large tile-scans & merge in Fusion software Time-lapse experiments with HW autofocus Multi-positions experiment Photo-kinetic and opto-genetic experiment (limited software solution) |
Illumination | 405 nm solid-state laser, 200 mW 445 nm solid-state laser, 75 mW 488 nm solid-state laser, 150 mW 514 nm solid-state laser, 40 mW 561 nm solid-state laser, 100 mW 637 nm solid-state laser, 140 mW White LED source Leica DM for transmitted light CoolLED pE-300; 365 UV – white LED source for fluorescence 445 nm solid-state photo-manipulation laser for Mosaic, 1.3 W White LED source for Mosaic photo-manipulation (CoolLED pE-300; 365 UV) |
Objectives | (HC PL APO 10x/0.40 DRY CS2; FWD 2.2; CG 0.17 | BF, POL, DIC) uppon request HC PL APO 20x/0.75 IMM CORR CS2; FWD 0.66 | BF, POL, DIC HC PL APO 40x/1.10 W CORR CS2; FWD 0.65; CG 0.14-0.18 | BF, POL, DIC HC PL APO 63x/ 1.20 W CORR CS2; FWD 0.3; CG 0.14-0.18 | BF, POL, DIC HCX PL APO 40x/1.25-0.75 OIL λBL; FWD 0.13; CG 0.17 | BF, POL HCX PL APO 63x/1.40-0.6 OIL λB; FWD 0.12; CG 0.17 | BF, POL, DIC HCX PL APO 100x/1.4-0.7 Oil CS; FWD 0.13; CG 0.17 | BF, POL, DIC |
Dichroic mirrors | 405/488/561/640 nm Quad excitation dichroic 399-452/514/640 nm Triple excitation dichroic 405/488/561/685 nm Quad excitation dichroic |
Eyepiece filtercubes | DAPI (Ex: 350/50; DC: 400; Em: 460/50) CFP/YFP (Ex: 435/25, 500/20; DC: 450; Em: 470/25, 535/20) FITC (Ex: 480/40; DC: 505; 527/30) RHOD (Ex: 546/10; DC: 560; 585/40) |
Cameras | Zyla 4.2 PLUS sCMOS camera – 2048 x 2048 pix; 6,5 µm pixel iXon Ultra 888 EMCCD camera – 1024 x 1024 pix; 13 µm pixel |
Dual camera switching mirror | LP 500 nm dichroic mirror (reflection to Zyla camera) LP 565 nm dichroic mirror (reflection to Zyla camera) 100% mirror (Zyla camera) 100% transmission dummy glass (iXon camera) |
Zyla camera emission filter wheel | 450/50 nm bandpass filter (DAPI) 480/40 nm bandpass filter (CFP) 525/50 nm bandpass filter (GFP, A488, FITC) 540/30 nm bandpass filter (YFP) 600/50 nm bandpass filter (RFP, TRITC) 700/75 nm bandpass filter (Cy5) 405 to 445-515-561-730 quad emission filter (DAPI/CFP/YFP/mCherry/DyLight) Polarization filter |
iXon camera emission filter wheel | 450/50 nm bandpass filter (DAPI) 480/40 nm bandpass filter (CFP) 525/50 nm bandpass filter (GFP, A488, FITC) 540/30 nm bandpass filter (YFP) 600/50 nm bandpass filter (RFP, TRITC) 620/60 nm bandpass filter (mCherry) 700/75 nm bandpass filter (Cy5) 405-488-561-640 quad emission filter (DAPI/GFP/RFP/Cy5) |
Spare camera emission filter wheel | Polarization filter 725/40 nm bandpass filter 405-488-561-640 quad emission filter (DAPI/GFP/RFP/Cy5) 405 to 445-515-561-730 quad emission filter (DAPI/CFP/YFP/mCherry/DyLight) 445-515-561 tripple emission filter (CFP/YFP/RFP) 488-561 dual emission filter (GFP/RFP) 445-515 dual emission filter (CFP/YFP) |
Microinjection | Microinjector FemtoJet joined with micromanipulator InjectMan NI 2 (Eppendorf) For volumes up to 100 pl Compressor to deliver the required pressure Integrated coarse and fine manipulator Work range: 20 mm per axis Automated and programmable axial injection movement |
Aditional equipment | Okolab incubation unit including climate chamber (CO2, temperature, humidity) antivibration table photomanipulation module Mosaic (for FRAP, bleaching, uncaging, opto-genetics…) |
Software | Fusion – acquisition software Imaris – visualization software Andor iQ3 – controlling Mosaic module |
Location | room no. 0.171 (Orange) |
Phone | ext. 3171 |
Booking | Calpendo (“Dragonfly”) |