18. 4. 2023
21. 7. 2020
9. 4. 2020
22. 11. 2019
18. 9. 2019
18. 8. 2019
6. 12. 2018
26. 4. 2016
26. 3. 2024
An interview with molecular geneticist Jan Pačes about the rise of infectious diseases that were thought to be eradicated. Discusses the return of whooping cough and its possible causes, including the decline in vaccination and growing resistance to antibiotics.
10. 2. 2024
The interview with Václav Veverka and Jan Pačes focuses on the observation of “cellular highways” through the microscope. Thanks to cryo-electron microscopy, the scientists have gained a detailed view of the formation of microtubules, which is crucial for understanding their functioning.
12. 3. 2022
Interview of Olga Ryparova with Petr Svoboda about scientific ethics, falsification of results and ethics committees at scientific institutions.
16. 2. 2021
An interview with immunologist Václav Hořejší on why and how Covid-19 can attack the immune system of a still healthy young person.
4. 3. 2024
If we examine the nature of life, we necessarily come to the problem of where the boundary between the living and the non-living lies. What is the simplest entity that we can reliably say is alive? How many genes does it need to survive? These and similar questions can best be answered by bioinformatic and molecular genetic methods, in which the main object of research is the genetic information written in DNA molecules.
31. 10. 2022
Already in 1903, the Russian biologist Nikolai Konstantinovich Koltsov (1872-1940) introduced the concept of the cytoskeleton, a “cellular skeleton” that is responsible for cellular shapes. But only now is it becoming clear how important for tissue integrity are the cytoskeletal crosslinker proteins aka cytolinkers. Mutations in the genes encoding these proteins frequently lead to the development of diseases associated with tissue fragility. Well-known examples are plectinopathies, multisystem disorders manifesting with skin blistering and muscular dystrophy.
3. 5. 2022
In the journal Science, an international team of scientists with Czech participation described a yet unknown process by which cancer cells try to resist the effects of radiotherapy, i.e. radiation. They found that one of the cells’ defence strategies is that they cause further DNA damage to themselves and pause their cycle before starting to divide. This gives them time to repair the more serious damage caused by radiotherapy.
22. 3. 2022
“Everything is improving, Czech science has moved on considerably in the last thirty years – we have opened up to the world, we have state-of-the-art equipment, new institutes. I am very happy for that,” says biochemist and geneticist Václav Pačes in an interview for UK Forum. Although he has spent most of his professional life at the Czech Academy of Sciences, he has been in close contact with Charles University since childhood.