Jeol JEM-F200 “F2” Transmission Electron Microscope
The JEM-F200 “F2” is a highly advanced state-of-the-art 200kV S/TEM electron microscope with cold field emission gun with high brightness and narrow energy spread. The microscope is equipped with cryo-tomography stage, hole-free phase plate, Fishione Model 2550 Cryo Transfer Tomography Holder, TVIPS TemCam – XF416 cooled CMOS camera, bright-field and dark-field STEM detectors, 100 μm2 windowless SDD EDS detector and a beryllium specimen holder. A new automated sample holder transfer system, the SpecPorter, facilitates sample loading. The microscope offers high performance, versatility and ease of use. The machine is pre-set at 120 and 200kV, thus allowing to collect EM data from specimen for which either high contrast or high resolution is preferred.
Jeol JEM-1400 FLASH Transmission Electron Microscope
Up to 120 kV TEM with a tungsten or LaB6 filament electron beam source and a bottom-mounted FLASH 2kx2k CMOS camera. The machine is running at 120 kV, thus allowing to collect EM data from biological specimens for which high contrast is preferred to high resolution. A point resolution of 0.38 nm is available along with magnification range from 10x to 1.200.000x. The Limitless Panorama (LLP) software allows for automatic acquisition of large areas of the specimen at high resolution by image stitching. A software for correlative light and electron microscopy is also available. The microscope is very well suited for routine sample screening and acquisition of the micrographs in publication quality.