LEICA EM UltraCut6 cutting ultrathin (cryo-) sections 50 – 100 nm and semi-thick sections for tomography (200 – 500 nm)
The Ultramicrotome Leica EM UC6 provides easy preparation of semi- and ultrathin sections as well as perfect, smooth surfaces of biological samples for TEM, SEM, AFM and LM examination. Eucentric movement of the stereomicroscope offers optimized positioning for approach with glass and diamond knives. It also helps in section observation at low water levels (e.g. for Lowycryls and dry sections) and cryosectioning without loss of ergonomic posture. Three independent brightness-controlled LED light sources provide illumination for toplight, backlight and specimen trans-illumination. The Integrated Antivibration System prevents influence from external vibrations. Motorized North-South and East-West movement of the knife stage in conjunction with the touch-sensitive control panel enables fast and safe alignment of knife and specimen with help files and prompts to hand for beginners (up to seven different user-settings can be stored). Programmable knife and cutting movements offer significant ease for trimming (Autotrim mode).
Low Temperature Sectioning System Leica EM FC6
Leica EM FC6 in combination with the Ultramicrotome Leica EM UC6 is designed for ultrathin cryosectioning of biological specimens in the range from -185 °C to -15 °C. Improved sectioning quality is provided with contact free through the wall specimen arm for vibration free sectioning, eucentric knife rotation with centre click stop from outside for easy alignment of knife and blockface, individual temperatures for specimen, knife and gas, automatic rapid cooling function to save time when cooling down to temperatures below -165°C. Specimen holder is locked with torque limited screw to provide optimum locking of sample without damage to the screw.