Building a Bridge for Science

  • Date & Time: 3. 5. 2018  |  13:00
  • Location: Czech Academy of Sciences, Národní 3, 117 20 Prague 1, room 205

Petr Svoboda (IMG) and Florian Jug (MPI-CBG) will give lectures in the framework of the international tour of the Dresden-concept Science Exhibition, which is organized in collaboration with the ARIB project.

Petr Svoboda (IMG) and Florian Jug (MPI-CBG) will give lectures in the framework of the international tour of the Dresden-concept Science Exhibition, which is organized in collaboration with the ARIB project.

  • “Jumping Genes and Evolutionary Jumps – A Lesson from Mouse Egg Cells” by Petr Svoboda
  • “Deep Learning – From Mastering the Game of Go to Revolutionising Microscopy” by Florian Jug

A short introduction of the ARIB project by Pavel Tomancak will precede the lectures.


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