11th IMG PhD Conference

  • Date & Time: 29. 6. 2018
  • Location: IMG, Milan Hašek Auditorium

We would like to invite all researchers, and especially PhD students, to join our 11th annual student conference on 29 June 2018.

This year the PhD students from Max Plank Institute in Dresden will join as well. We will have two exciting invited speakers this year, a keynote lecture focused on fascinating topic of synthetic biology, information processing, and computation in living systems by Dr. Yaakov Benenson, a professor and principal investigator at ETH Zürich The other lecture focused on transcriptional regulation of embryonic development will be given by Christa Bucker, a Junior Group Leader at MFPL, University of Vienna. Alongside scientific talks, don’t miss life-science figure design workshop held by Helena Jambor (MPI, Dresden), a student poster session, or come to discuss your projects or have fun with your colleagues at the social event afterwards.

More information including registration is available on the page PhD Conference.

Registration is required.