Programing in R course / Master the R/Tidyverse

  • Date & Time: 10. 3. 2020 - 11. 3. 2020
  • Location: BIOCEV, Czech Centre for Phenogenomics

Master the R/Tidyverse is a two-day workshop focused on boosting your data analysis and visualization expertise.


Master the R/Tidyverse is a two-day workshop focused on boosting your data analysis and visualization expertise. We will use R (, a free environment for statistical computing, and particularly its collection of packages Tidyverse (ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr, etc.) We will cover all the skills needed in a typical research project: from reading your data into R, choosing a nice tidy data format, through data transformations, statistical modelling and cool visualizations, to communicating results in a reproducible report (see the figure below).

You definitely do not have to be coders or statisticians to enjoy the course, just be motivated to learn new things. Some knowledge of R is helpful, but we welcome both beginners and intermediate users that just want to deepen their Tidyverse knowledge (never see R running?, don’t worry but study a bit in advance).


Registration fee: 1,500 CZK (including VAT)

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