Congratulation to Adriana Roithová, David Staněk, and other co-authors on a recent publication in Nucleic Acids Research

3. 7. 2020 Congratulations

Director of IMG cordially congratulates Adriana Roithová, David Staněk, and other co-authors on a recent publication in Nucleic Acids Research.


Director of IMG cordially congratulates Adriana Roithová, David Staněk, and other co-authors on a recent publication in Nucleic Acids Research: 

Adriana Roithová, Zuzana Feketová, Štěpánka Vaňáčová and David Staněk: DIS3L2 and LSm proteins are involved in the surveillance of Sm ring-deficient snRNAs. Nucleic Acids Research, 2020. [doi]


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