Professor, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague
since 2007:
Research Group Leader, IMG, Prague
Postdoctoral Fellow, Friedrich Miescher Institute, Basel, Switzerland
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
PhD, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
ERC Consolidator Grant
Neuron Award for Young Scientists
Fellowship J. E. Purkyně
EMBO Installation Grant
EMBO Long Term Fellowship
since 2018:
Explaining evolution of RNA interference in mammalian oocytes
We found that the high prevalence of RNA interference (through siRNA molecules) in mouse oocytes is due to the activity of a specific isoform of the retrotransposon-driven Dicer enzyme. [pubmed] [doi]
Formation of spermatogonia and fertile oocytes in hamsters requires piRNA
We have shown that in hamsters the piRNA molecules are required for gamete formation not only in males but also in females. This finding contrasts with gametocyte formation in mice, where the absence of piRNA leads to infertility only in males. [pubmed] [doi]
Transposable elements drive gene evolution in mammalian germlines
In this study, we found that more than 800 LTR retrotransposons mediate gene remodelling in mouse, human, hamster and bovine oocytes, among others. Our results suggest that these LTR retrotransposons also help to convert oocytes into embryos by activating gene expression and modulating other cellular mechanisms. [pubmed] [doi]