Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Laboratory of Tissue Morphogenesis and Cancer
Open PhD positions
Project: Fibroblast mechanical forces in mammary epithelial morphogenesis
Zuzana Sumbalová Koledová
Project description
Epithelial-stromal interactions play a crucial role in mammary gland development and homeostasis. Stromal cells, such as fibroblasts, provide instructions for epithelial morphogenesis through paracrine signaling and extracellular matrix production and remodeling. In mammary epithelial organoid-fibroblast cocultures, we have recently described a new mechanism of fibroblast-induced epithelial morphogenesis mediated by fibroblast mechanical forces. In this project, the PhD candidate will investigate 1) the importance of fibroblasts mechanical forces in mammary epithelial morphogenesis in vivo using genetic mouse models, and 2) regulation of fibroblast mechanical activity using scRNA sequencing analysis and functional in vitro and in vivo experiments.
Candidate profile
Interest in developmental, cell or cancer biology, biophysics or biochemistry,
Master’s degree in biological sciences,
Highly motivated and independent with excellent communication skills, enthusiastic about performing interdisciplinary work and open to learn and apply new techniques,
Excellent organizational skills and the ability to maintain meticulous records, with ability to plan and prioritize own work in order to meet deadlines,
Committed to personal development and updating of knowledge and skills,
Hands-on experience in work with genetic mouse models, organoids, live cell imaging, 3D immunofluorescence will be viewed positively.