Superresolution in Light Microscopy

  • Termín: 25. 11. 2019 - 27. 11. 2019
  • Místo: Budova IMG

The major objective of the course is to introduce available superresolution fluorescence microscopy methods to potential users: PhD students and Postdocs with research interests in biology.

The major objective of the course is to introduce available superresolution fluorescence microscopy methods to potential users: PhD students and Postdocs with research interests in biology.

The course is focused on three super-resolution techniques in fluorescence light microscopy:

  • Structured illumination microscopy (SIM)
  • Stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED)
  • Stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM)

The course covers theoretical background of all presented super-resolution techniques. Each practical session is designed like a demo and continuous to a hands-on.

The course is organized by the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in the framework of the Czech-BioImaging research infrastructure supported by Ministry of education youth and sports (LM2015062).

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