scanR User Meeting 2023

  • Termín: 21. 8. 2023
  • Místo: IMG building

Join us at the first-ever scanR User Meeting! This event is all about connecting scanR users and sharing our experiences. We’ll explore new features and get practical with the system’s AI and training modules.

At our meeting, you’ll hear about scanR updates and see how the system is making a real impact in modern biology and medical research. You’ll also have a chance to dive into hands-on learning with scanR’s tools and technologies.

Don’t miss this chance to grow your skills and network with other scanR users.

Admission is free of charge.


10:00 – 10:40Olympus – Evident
ScanR system introduction
Coffee break and discussion
11:00 – 11:20Matouš Palek
Functional evaluation of cancer-associated gene variants using high-content microscopy
11:20 – 11:40   Kamila Burdová
Using high-content microscopy to study DNA damage response and repair
11:40 – 12:00Hana Polášek-Sedláčková
Solving fundamental questions of human DNA replication by high-content imaging
Lunch break
13:00 – 13:20Václav Bacovský
Pros and cons of high-throughput screening microscopy in plant tissue sections
13:20– 13:40David Lukáč
DNA replication dynamics analyzed by high-content microscopy
Open discussion




Organization, scientific issues, sample preparation, etc.

Ing. Ivan Novotný, Ph.D.

Light Microscopy Core Facility

RNDr. Michaela Blažíková, Ph.D.

Light Microscopy Core Facility


Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports


Sven BioLabs

The workshop is organized in the framework of the Czech-BioImaging research infrastructure supported by MEYS (LM2023050)